Sunday, March 28, 2010

"BEWARE OF HIM WHO TRIES TO POISON YOUR MIND AGAINST ANOTHER UNDER THE PRETENSE OF HELPING YOU. THE CHANCES ARE A THOUSAND TO ONE HE IS TRYING TO HELP HIMSELF." South African poet and painter Breyten Breytenback tells of a Black man named Freedom who was the property of a one-legged slave owner in the days before the abolition of slavery. Whenever the owner bought a new pair of shoes, he gave the left one, which he couldn’t use, to Freedom. Eventually, wearing two left shoes deformed Freedom’s right foot, and he was permanently crippled by the "generosity" of his master. Don’t be fooled by people who attempt to further their own interests under the guise of helping you. Listen to advice from others, thank them for their interest, and make up your own mind about what is best. Follow their advice if it fits with your plan for your life, but don’t hesitate to discard it if it doesn’t. In all the world, there is only one individual who knows what is best for you, and that person is you.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"If your only goal is to become rich,
you will never achieve it."
— John D. Rockefeller: Was an American industrialist and philanthropist

If you lock in to a goal to improve your relationships, your health, or your career track, you probably will. But achieving prosperity is a little different. You have to sneak up on it from behind. Goals to become rich fall flat — but setting goals to improve the lives of as many people as possible... that's the precise minute you follow the footsteps to prosperity.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hi Everyone, you are in for a REAL TREAT! Here is the link to the free 5-session "Attraction Your Ideal Relationship Series" with Michael Losier! Once again, the 2 part series Michael Hosted for us has been empowering. Learn how to apply The Law Of Attraction in your daily life. Contact me to learn more about how I made $17,000.00 over the weekend! ...See More
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Get your first of 5 Law of Attraction training videos and a downloadable workbook so you can follow along and get started right away. ...
Thought for the Day

March 21, 2010


Before you can build anything worthwhile, you must first create it in your mind. Your mind is not constrained by physical limitations or boundaries. In the workshop of your mind, you can visualize things that have never been. It is said that Albert Einstein visualized how the universe might look if he were riding astride a beam of light through infinity. Then he worked out the mathematics to support his theory of relativity. You can use the power of your imagination to visualize solutions to difficult problems, to develop new ideas, and to see yourself achieving the goals you have set for yourself.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thought for the Day

March 16, 2010


It’s well and good to feel as though you have changed the attitude with which you render extra service, but if that service is in truth no more than anyone else’s, then you aren’t doing yourself much good. You need to examine your co-workers and competitors to understand just what it is that will make you stand out. If there are job performance standards, exceed them. If you’re fulfilling a contract, make sure you offer more than you promised. You cannot confine extra-mile service to your work alone. You must make it part of your philosophy for dealing with every person you encounter. Imagine how others will be delighted to find that you are the type of person who not only does what is promised but even delivers more. The true benefit of going the extra mile is in teaching yourself to strive always for better and greater achievement in all that you do.

This positive message is brought to you by the Napoleon Hill Foundation.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Good Morning World, start your day off with a goal to finish before noon. Really, challenge yourself. Feel the accomplishment of actually folllowing thru. You'll see, it wasn't difficult, but I bet some of you will feel just a bit uncomfortable just thinking about this. If you can't set and reach the simpler goals you set, how can you expect to reach your bigger goals? Take the challenge!

Monday, March 8, 2010

"Time is limited, so I better wake up every morning fresh and know that I have just one chance to live this particular day right, and to string my days together into a life of action, and purpose."

Lance Armstrong
7-Time Winner of the Tour de France
"Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
...Ferris Buellers Day Off

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny,
life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let
me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."
— Steve Jobs: Co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc.

Where do you place your trust? Without putting your trust in someone or something, you must face your fears and life’s obstacles alone. And the more faith you do have, the stronger you’ll be. Perhaps your faith is tied to religion. Maybe your greatest trust exists with your family and friends. Hopefully you trust the powers of your own mind and body. Open your heart and mind to trust … you’ll find it opens opportunities in turn.