Friday, July 2, 2010

From The Desk Of The Home Business Diva...
My Questionnaire For Potential Business Partners:

1. How long have you been on the search for the perfect Home Business?
2. How would you describe the ideal Business that would resonate with you?
3. Why now, why today? Why at this point in your life are you ready to make a decision to start a business and follow through with your decision?
4. What motivates you?
5. If you overheard a conversation between two of your closest friends talking about you, what would they be saying?
6. Using just 5 words, how would you describe your personality?
7. What are your top 3 strongest qualities?
8. What character trait would you like to improve in yourself?
9. Do you understand that it takes time, dedication, funding, commitment and personal responsibility to start, build, grow and sustain a successful business, whether a traditional business or a home business?
10. Do you make your own decisions or rely on a spouse, family member or significant other to give you permission?
11. Have you ever started your own business? If yes, what is the current outcome?
12. What do you do to generate an income now?
13. What was the biggest goal you have set for yourself and have achieved?
14. What is the biggest ongoing struggle in your life?
15. Describe the type of lifestyle in which you were raised. What is your IDEAL lifestyle?
16. Are any of your parents, family members or friend’s successful entrepreneurs?
17. If you received a offer within the first 3 months of getting started in this business, would you take the job?
18. What will your life look like in 5 years if things do not change for you financially?
19. What are top 3 fears about starting and investing in your own business?
20. How would you complete the following sentences?
“If only ….
“I wish …
“What if …

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